Free browsing tricks

Before getting the codes and settings you have to
know how to activate your gprs/wap service
according to your service provider, because you
cant browse on your pc with a phone and sim that
is not yet activated.
To activate your gprs/wap simply go to your
message box type "SETTINGS" and send to
"3888", you will be automatically sent the gprs
settings for you phone model, just save it and thats
all for that. But when you receive a message telling
you that your phone cannot be automatically
configured, then you either take it to their office for
manual configuration or configure it yourself with
these settings.
connection name: MTN WAP
Homepage; http://
search or
Account name: MTN WAP
Access point (APN)
IP Address:
Port: 9201, 9119, 8080
User name; web
Password: web
Home page: http://
Account name: mtn mms
Access point:
IP address:
Port: 9201
For more assistance, call 180 or 181.
Go to your message box type "wap/gprs(space)
name of the phone(space) model" or "mmsgprs
(phone name and model e.g for nokia N95,
mmsgprsnokiaN95)" and you send it to +232 or
184 or 232 and a message will be sent to you to
save the settings, save it using 0 or 0000. For
manual setup
Account name: Celtel NG or zain
Homepage: or http:// or
IP address: or
Access point(APN):
Port: 8080
Username: wap or mms
Password: wap or mms
note that in most cases, your sim needs to be
activated before the settings can work. To activate
your sim, you must call customer care and tell
their agent to activate your sim.
Just type wap/gprs, the manufactures phone name
and the model without putting space and send it to
927 or 667 or both and the setting will be sent to
For manual setup follow these steps.
Account name: Gwap
IP address:
Access point (apn): or glomms
or glogwap
Port: 3130
Username: wap
Password: wap
Account name: glomms
IP address:
Access point (apn): glomms
Port: 3130
Username: mms
Password: mms
As for codes (phones), here are some cheat codes
for free browsing on phones.
For MTN network follow these simple steps. Go to
bookmark on your phone, Click on the bookmark,
Click options, Click on add new bookmark, Type
the following link codes and save. http:// site name you
want to access. or just go to your url and put this site.
You can make research on any thing.Preferably
Sony Ericsson and nokia phones, because with
other phones you may not be able to access
certain web pages like checking mails. But it
works on almost all the phone that is gprs enabled.
if you have any cheat code, you can post it bellow
for others to see.
To Browse Free On Pc
After configuring your phone and sim according to
your network, then you are almost ready to browse
free with your pc.
Next step is to install the pc suite for your phone
model. I'm sure every body knows what a pc suite
is and how to get that of your phone model. (Well if
you dont know what a pc suite is, let me brief you
a little about it. A pc suite or phone tools or
whatever you call it is a software that is used to
connect your phone to your pc through Bluetooth,
USB cable or Infrared so that you may be able to
access or operate your phone menu such as calls,
sms, file manager, multimedia etc through your pc.
They varies according to your phone make, but in
most cases, a pc suite of a particular phone can
work with others bearing the same name though
not the same model. For example, a Nokia pc suite
can work with any nokia model, a Motorola pc
suite can work with any model of motorola phone.
But if yours did not work with your phone, you
know that the pc suite is out of date, Go get a
newer version. You can get it at any phone or
software shop, The price range from about N150 to
N250 "piracy for you " But for some, it comes
along with the phone pack.)
After installing your pc suite, connect your phone to
your pc with either USB cable or Bluetooth or
infrared and launch your pc suite, The pc suite will
detect your phone.
Next is to try to locate any where on the pc suite
dialogue box on your monitor screen where you
can find anything like "web" "internet" "internet
connection" or anything related, click on it and a
connection wizard will pop out. if you are using
MTN, put this settings
username: web
password: web
dont touch other areas like ip, dns and so on.
if you are connected with glo sim, put this settings
for wap
apn: glogwap or glowap
username: wap
password: wap
for mms
if you are using Zain, (Better). put this settings. ( will also
connect, but it wont work)
Then you connect. you will see that you are
connected at -kbps.
You are connected does not mean that you are
already browsing for free, that is why you need a
software that can bypass firewall.
For long now, many softwares have come and
gone, i mean stopped. Starting from the almighty
freegate which is now limited to china. if you are
not in china you can only get the shareware
version, but that is not what we want. we want
freebies, free things !!! Then we switched to
Gtunnel, Gpass, Ultrasurf, fire phoenix and so on,
But we discovered that as from may 11th 2009,
they were now also limited to china As for now,
there is no particular software that can be boasted
of, but for me i'm still rocking big time with the free
version of your freedom. Though i know some
people are using fire extinguisher, jap, pingfu iris
and so on, but i'm used to your freedom because
with it, i can do whatever i want to do online from
anywhere with my laptop. The only problem with it
is that when you are using a free account, you are
limited to a particular speed and bandwidth a day.
But you will get used to it. But if you have credit
card you can upgrade to any account of your
choice and enjoy unlimited bandwidth and speed.
So lets get started. After you have successfully
connected your pc to the internet through your
phone. (you can recharge-put the settings in your
internet explorer or opera or firefox-and start
browsing. But before long, all your credit are gone.)
Go to a cafe, visit
and download your freedom software, (it is about
1.8 mb in size, it works on java platform and that
means you must have java on your pc, well if you
dont prevously have java on your pc, you can
download the latest version at
or Download is free for personal use. so
download and install it on your pc and restart) But
before you download your freedom client, you
must first register and verify your account with
them. It is through that account that you can use
the software to connect to their server and
After downloading and installing your freedom on
your pc, you are now ready to browse. Now
carefully follow my step by step proccess for
configuring your freedom and start browsing.
You can also convert the above configuration
settings to that of any other network and it will
work for you as long as you get it right
Configure Your Freedom Software
After you have connected ur zain with pc suite
Open your freedom client:
- Click on "CONFIGURE". A new window pops out
- Under Address use:
(note: u can use any server from ems01-19), Go to
"protocol" and click on the box.
- Change it to "https", the port automatically
changes to "443"
- Tick the following boxes: (a.) automatically
connect on startup (b.) reconnect after server
shutdown (c.) redirect SOCKS4/5 DNS to freedom
server (d.) Enable encryption Leave the others.
- Go to "Account Information" tab. Input the
Username and password u used to register (i.e the
username and password you used to register at before you
downloaded your freedom client)
- Go to " Proxy settings". Under Proxy address:, Proxy Port:8080. Thats all u need to
do here.
- Look under and click on the tab "Save and Exit".
This window disappears.
- Go to the Your-freedom client window again and
click on the tab "Ports". Tick the boxes:SOCKS 4/4
and Web Proxy.
- Go to the tab "Applications" and tick. check all
the needed boxes( applications u want to use with
it). Hit the "OK" when u are done. U should get a
successful message.
- Click exit
- Now this is very important. Launch ur Browser;
- For Firefox(Mozilla) brower: Go to: Tools---
Options----Advanced---Network---Settings. In
the settings mark the box "Manual proxy
configuration. Under HTTP Proxy use: localhost
Port: 8080. tick the box " use this proxy server for
all protocols". After this just go down and click
- For Internet explorer:Got to: Tools---Internet
localhostPort: 8080, tick the box " bypass proxy
server..." , " "Apply" and u are done.
- For Opera click on Tools---Preferences--
network---proxy settings Click on all the boxes
and Port input and use: Proxy: localhost Port: 8080
Just Ok and this is done.
For Yahoo messenger:Go to:Messenger--

Connection Preferences, tick on "use proxies",
under server name: localhost, Server port: 8080
and you're good to go.
- Go back and rerun your-freedom client, it should
start connecting automatically, if not click start
connection. At first, there is a question mark on the
freedom door, when the questionmark is gone and
the door is fully open, launch ur browser and
browse freeeeee.
Note: Dont close freedom, if you have a connection
time-out, just click on "start connection"

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